wonders idly if there's Winters/Nix slashfic out there.
Oh yeah.
That scene by the lake in the opening scene of the last episode was slashier than some of the season 1 Smallville, which is my slash-barometer. Can't quite wrap my mind around RL war-vet slash though.
I was SO in Love with Lewis in BoB. Great character and great acting.
I can't believe no one mentioned Keanu yet. His accents in
Much Ado About Nothing
were atrocious. Actually, I can't even remember whether he was *trying* for a British accent.
I have no idea what her actual accent is like, or if that is hers, but it sounds like a horrid combination of British and Bronx.
There was no Bronx in it when she was starring in The House of Eliott.
Hell, I left
mid-movie to avoid hearing Keanu speak again (I'd
hoped he was dead).
I can't believe no one mentioned Keanu yet. His accents in Much Ado About Nothing and Dracula were atrocious. Actually, I can't even remember whether he was *trying* for a British accent.
Don't forget Dangerous Liasons!
I was SO in Love with Lewis in BoB. Great character and great acting.
You know that episode in which Winters goes off to Paris alone on a leave, and there is this long wordless sequence where he wanders around the city, lonely and haunted by the vision of the young German soldier he had to kill, while looking marvellous in his uniform? And how the scene ends with Winters slipping into a bath? Oh, my.
Don't forget Dangerous Liasons!
Oy. At least his scenes were mercifully brief. I think Keanu probably recognized his limitations, since he thoughtfully stopped doing period films.
Branagh's Yank accent in Dead Again (one of my alltime faves) had that strange flatness that just screams "Shakesperian Brit Acting American!" to me.
I was SO in Love with Lewis in BoB. Great character and great acting.
"Captain Sobel! We salute the rank, not the man." I love that the man that Sobel tried to court martial ended up his superior.
Branagh's Yank accent in Dead Again (one of my alltime faves) had that strange flatness that just screams "Shakesperian Brit Acting American!" to me.
Me too, though I still adore the film.