McConaughey played the young sherriff's deputy in
Lone Star,
Chris Cooper's father. He was only in flashbacks.
Dazed and Confused
had lots of people in it -- it was an indie cornucopia. Parker Posey, Ben Affleck (when he was indie), Joey Lauren Adams, Adam Goldberg, that blond guy who went on to star in
Rory Cochrane who was on CSI Miami until this year, and the dude who played Floyd (who only seems overexposed because he is an identical twin).
I didn't hear about McConaughey till his Vanity Fair summer. In fact, I had already seen Dazed and Confused, and I went back and looked for him, and couldn't find him in that movie by sight. He had to open his mouth before I recognized him.
Oooh, on
-- Mortenson is not only fluent in Spanish, he has a regional accent in it.
As well... Wood as
Iggy Pop!!!???
couldn't find him in that movie by sight
Really? I could spot that man as a silhouette. He's so damned distinctive when he's moving.
As well... Wood as Iggy Pop!!!???
This makes no sense to anybody.
To be fair, he's not moving a lot in this movie. And has really distractingly different hair and a mustache. And, 80% of the movie is so dark you're lucky you can see anything at all.
As well... Wood as Iggy Pop!!!???
This makes no sense to anybody.
Though he may surprise all of us.
Dawn K
Awww I'd sorta like to take credit for it but nope not me but mmmmm...Colin Firth
Wood as Iggy Pop!!!??
My thought every time I see it. It just doesn't jibe with the picture in my head of Iggy no matter how skinny I make Elijah (I think that in my head Elijah's head is too big, or round or something)
Oh no! Very sad news.
On the very day Nick Park and everyone at Aardman should be celebrating Curse of the Were Rabbit's #1 opening, they are instead devestated by a warehouse fire in Bristol destroying all the set and props from all their movies. "The company's entire history."
Eeek! It's not just clay, it's all the miniatures made of paper and cloth and wood and teeny paintings and tiny metal doorknobs to scale and all that. An entire world in miniature.
Races home to encase VHS copies of "A Grand Day Out" and "A Close Shave" in flame retardant material...