Apparently, the press release by the union also mentions that they think that "demeaning" flight attendents shows "great disrespect to our fellow attendents who were killed on September 11th."
Excuse me? Are we supposed to deify every profession who lost a member on that day?
Makes me wonder if the air traffic controllers' union got up in arms over "Pushing Tin," it being only the first example to come to mind of a film that portrays people in a certain profession acting less than professionally. I mean, these people have seen movies before, right?
Are we supposed to deify every profession who lost a member on that day?
They need to watch Rescue Me.
Are we supposed to deify every profession who lost a member on that day?
I guess this means no mor lawyer jokes. We might get sued.
I think that frost was pretty insulted by being portrayed as something to run away from, in that storm movie.
Don't even let high heels get started on all the turned ankles and helpless horror heroines they've been blamed for.
They need to watch Rescue Me.
Wrody McWrod Wrod. And people were pretty fond/respectful of firemen (in my experience) prior to 9-11. Does anybody even like flight attendants?
I like that they bring me drinks.
Most of the time, I'm not thinking about flight attendants at all. When I do, I respect them as members of a service profession, without any particular like or dislike attached.
I mean, why should there be a rule that you can't portray flight attendants in a non-positive light?
Seriously people. It's. A. Mo. Vie.
It's not like people are oppressing flight attendants. Get the fuck over it.
Seriously people. It's. A. Mo. Vie.
You know what union is PISSED about the negative portrayal of its members in cinema?
Uruk-Hai Local, #351.