Y'know, I never saw Monte Hellman's Western, but it's pretty similar to Dead Man in my imagination. Has anyone else seen it? It's not out on DVD, so Netflix doesn't have it.
Is that the one with Jack Nicholson? I think it pops up on cable, and it was out on VHS.
Ride In The Whirlwind,
The Shooting.
I actually attended the movies for the pop culture survey class. They ranged from Blade Runner (this pre-dated the Director's Cut, which is the One True Blade Runner) to Night Shift. Dunno what the prof's point was, but I got to watch a lot of free movies.
My senior year of college, I just needed credits to graduate; I had already taken all the required classes. So I took Science Fiction Film, in which we watched (among other films), Metropolis, Nosferatu, Blade Runner, 2001, Making Mr. Right, T2, and both the 1956 Don Siegel version of Body Snatchers and the 1977 more paranoid version.
That was one of the best classes EVAR.
I did not give you permission to read my mind.
Read more Wilson and you'll soon discover that permission is an illusion. I needed no permission. Your mind was just sitting there, and I read it.
And yes, as everyone else pointed out, Wilson likes to tread all sorts of lines, and doesn't like to cop to being one thing or another. Reject labels, man....
Also, movies are nice.
Okay, weird.
Robin, I don't know what you were trying to post, but my first attempt at posting my last post (#7276) resulted in a null post.
I had to totally repost the content.
Well if you don't know, she's not going to tell you. Pllbbt.
I liked my "Philosophy of Humor" class, in which we read Peanuts, Doonesbury, and Bloom County (and I did my paper comparing Chinese and Japanese comic strips, with a sidetrip into manga), and watched The Gold Rush, The General and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Add to that Fr. Naus's first-day declaration that he didn't care if you fell asleep in class, just don't make it too obvious by bringing in a pillow or stretching out on the floor. Not that I ever fell asleep during that class--too much fun!
My post got eaten up. And now I have to work and shit, Damn.
I liked my "Philosophy of Humor" class
I would love to take this class.
OK, here's my
Dead Man
I really thought the bounty hunter was going to die of smallpox, since they emphasized the smallpox blankets at the trading post, and he grabs one and wears it. And I think I would've liked that resolution better than him and Nobody shooting each other and falling down like kids playing "Bang! I got you!"
I can't find the article online yet (it probably won't be up until tomorrow), but King Kong will premiere in NYC on December 5th on 38 screens at "a pair of 42nd Street theaters" (probably the E-Walk and AMC 25). From the sound of it, the premiere party is going to be outside in Times Square (I have no idea how they're going to manage that) with a "special moment" at the Empire State Building.
Want movie now.
(Will ignore for the moment the security nightmare that a 38-screen premiere is guaranteed to be.)