I liked my "Philosophy of Humor" class
I would love to take this class.
OK, here's my
Dead Man
I really thought the bounty hunter was going to die of smallpox, since they emphasized the smallpox blankets at the trading post, and he grabs one and wears it. And I think I would've liked that resolution better than him and Nobody shooting each other and falling down like kids playing "Bang! I got you!"
I can't find the article online yet (it probably won't be up until tomorrow), but King Kong will premiere in NYC on December 5th on 38 screens at "a pair of 42nd Street theaters" (probably the E-Walk and AMC 25). From the sound of it, the premiere party is going to be outside in Times Square (I have no idea how they're going to manage that) with a "special moment" at the Empire State Building.
Want movie now.
(Will ignore for the moment the security nightmare that a 38-screen premiere is guaranteed to be.)
I have no idea how they're going to manage that
I have no idea how they're going to get a giant ape on top of the Empire State Building.
(Will ignore for the moment the security nightmare that a 38-screen premiere is guaranteed to be.)
And the (Homeland) security nightmare that a "special moment" at the Empire State Bldg. is guaranteed to be.
This may be a stupid question. How visible is the Empire State Building from Times Square?
I have no idea how they're going to get a giant ape on top of the Empire State Building.
They've done a giant inflatable ape before.
This may be a stupid question. How visible is the Empire State Building from Times Square?
Pretty much not. The other buildings tend to get in the way.
Yeah, I suspect the "special moment" will be for the television crews and the fans who didn't get invited to the party.
So I went and saw
Cat People
at a nearby arthouse theater. Yahoo Movies said it was the 1982 remake with Nastassia Kinski. They lied. It was the 1942 original. Which I had never seen, and was good. All psychological and stuff. But unlike the remake, less nekkid.