Oh, I fell in love with Pual Bettany in that movie! Just in love!
However, the movie REALLY irritated me. Not the anachronisms or anything, but the fact that something was so wrong with the love story that I thought, pretty much until the end of the movie, that Heath Ledger was going to end up with the nice armor making girl and not the dumb-ass lady.
I'm with Sophia -- it's not just that I was rooting for the blacksmith, it's that I really thought it was how the story would end, with him with the cool and sensible chick.
You'd think I'd never seen movies.
I'll put in a third for that. I honestly thought that's where they were going with the story, otherwise why tease us like that? I liked the movie for the most part, though.
I love that movie, but I tend to fast forward through the Shannon Sossamon (sp?) bits. And watch Paul Bettany's and Alan Tudyk's parts repeatedly. So brilliant. "I will FONG you!"
Fourth, so much so that I've ret-conned my memory, and he does end up with the cool chick.
And I'll jump right on fifth with wishing he'd hooked up with the cool armorer chick.
And I'd totally forgotten Alan Tudyk was in that! Almost as entertaining as Naked!Chaucer.
Dude, William was SO not worthy of Armor Girl Kate.
I found the lack of triangle refreshing, actually. Kate got to be one of the guys, as she totally would have wanted.
Dude, William was SO not worthy of Armor Girl Kate.
I found the lack of triangle refreshing, actually. Kate got to be one of the guys, as she totally would have wanted.
Yes, this. I liked that she was not there as a romantic interest.
I liked William a lot, and don't like it when the cool non-gender-stereotype-conforming chick doesn't pull big.
My new teevee boyfriend, James Purefoy had a bit as the Black Prince of Wales, which was a bonus for me.
Adored Paul Bettany--and the entire sports metaphor. So cute.