One little throw-away bit I did love was the guy that looked like a young Grand Moff Tarkin standing with Vader and Palpatine watching the construction of the Death Star.
Well there was a credit for Governor Tarkin(played by Wayne Pygram, no less) so you're not wrong.
played by Wayne Pygram, no less
Dude! How did I miss that?
(bad fan, no biscuit)
Ooh, Gandalfe, that would have been a good idea.
It occurred to me, while Darth was being suited up, how utterly ridiculous that suit is. What the hell kind of helmet is that? Really?
That reminds me to share with you OtherKate's take on Darth Vader post-Sith:
How will I ever watch the originals without imagining that after he walks off-screen, Darth Vader goes off by himself and sits crying with his big robotic head in his hands? Seriously?
What the hell kind of helmet is that? Really?
It was designed to resemble the skull of a wolf. Which may not be the most fearsome thing in a galaxy without wolves, and probably does little to alleviate his asthma.
It was designed to resemble the skull of a wolf. Which may not be the most fearsome thing in a future without wolves
Star Wars
is in the past, though. Wolves haven't been invented yet.
ETA: Oh you and your sly editing.
Frankly, the Dath Vader helmet looks kinda like Farrah hair, shellacked into permanence. Or, I guess maybe your basic Eight-is-Enough bowl haircut.
A fashion-victim villain! I never!
That kind of thing annoys me. Because she took the money, strapped on the awful costume...she should've at least faked it. It's an insult to hard-working people with real jobs who keep her in massages by seeing these horrible things that she wouldn't. She could be working at Wal-mart right now, not really caring if the people she greeted had nice days. You feel me?
Sorry.(Steps off Plebeian and Proud soapbox.)
One last thing(slaps Lucas for writing dialogue so bad, he makes actors embarrassed in the first place.) You don't get a pass, you punk. I could take you, old man.
The original trilogy is sparse and beautiful because he didn't have the money or technology to clutter it up.
This is the most succinct way I've ever seen it put. Also. So very, very true.
That kind of thing annoys me. Because she took the money, strapped on the awful costume...she should've at least faked it. It's an insult to hard-working people with real jobs who keep her in massages by seeing these horrible things that she wouldn't. She could be working at Wal-mart right now, not really caring if the people she greeted had nice days. You feel me? Sorry
No apologies necessary. I'm in total agreement. She's an actress. Even if the material is shitty. Just. Act.
As I understand it, movie actors are entirely at the mercy of the director: he picks the cut that actually makes it onscreen. It's at least possible that Lucas wanted Portman to play flat, or that her good takes got sacrificed in the goal of finding Christiansen's best takes.
It's at least possible that Lucas wanted Portman to play flat, or that her good takes got sacrificed in the goal of finding Christiansen's best takes
You mean her best scenes ended up being the ones that occurred while they were spraying Hayden down for termites.