The original trilogy is sparse and beautiful because he didn't have the money or technology to clutter it up.
This is the most succinct way I've ever seen it put. Also. So very, very true.
That kind of thing annoys me. Because she took the money, strapped on the awful costume...she should've at least faked it. It's an insult to hard-working people with real jobs who keep her in massages by seeing these horrible things that she wouldn't. She could be working at Wal-mart right now, not really caring if the people she greeted had nice days. You feel me? Sorry
No apologies necessary. I'm in total agreement. She's an actress. Even if the material is shitty. Just. Act.
As I understand it, movie actors are entirely at the mercy of the director: he picks the cut that actually makes it onscreen. It's at least possible that Lucas wanted Portman to play flat, or that her good takes got sacrificed in the goal of finding Christiansen's best takes.
It's at least possible that Lucas wanted Portman to play flat, or that her good takes got sacrificed in the goal of finding Christiansen's best takes
You mean her best scenes ended up being the ones that occurred while they were spraying Hayden down for termites.
t hearts
Dude! How did I miss that?
No kidding. I saw this with two Farscape fans and we even commented
that it was supposed to Tarkin, but did not even notice who the actor was.
When fandoms collide.
And also, she signed up for the project when she was what, 15 or 16? I have some sympathy for someone who may have thought, "Star Wars! Cool!" as a teenager, and gotten progressively disillusioned with the material she was given as an adult. Plus, it's clear this isn't the kind of movie she sees herself making any more, judging from her other recent choices.
Not excusing her flat performance, but I at least have more sympathy for her than Samuel L. Jackson.
Has anyone seen the Burger King commercial where Darth Vader and the guy in the creepy Burger King mask face off? They just stand there breathing at each other. Hi-larious.
The performance is nowhere near as off-pissing as the comments -- like T'Pol from Enterprise or Halle from X-Men.
Cash the cheque and smile, okay? Better actors than you can suck it up.
I don't know. Sometimes honest actor-reaction can be very refreshing. Okay, mostly long after the fact.
Okay, mostly long after the fact.
That's key. If it hasn't aired yet, or you're ON JUNKET, you're not clear of your obligation. You don't have to fake blowjobs, but just be diplomatic.
What ita said. I've seen actors on Jon Stewart who obviously weren't wild about their current movie, but who were sucking it up and praising the good bits.