I saw Episode III and liked it a lot - certainly of the 3 recent ones, it's hands down the best. I actually thought HC was OK. My biggest problems on the acting front were Natalie Portman (which I'm surprised by, since I thought she was one of the few tolerable things in Phantom Menace - I swear she's gotten worse with each Star Wars movie) and, oddly enough, Samuel L. Jackson. That may have more to do with his being there causing massive cognitive dissonance to anything in his performance. I think I like it better than Jedi because, as Jessica said, whatever else may be wrong, at least there are no Ewoks.
However, after finally getting to H2G2 last week as well, I'm afraid RotS only has so much for me. Fraction of the budget and decidedly lo-fi (in comparison) special effects, and yet it made me so much happier and felt so much more satisfying in terms of a long-gestating itch being scratched. I understand why people have been complaining that they didn't put enough from the other books, but I'm glad they didn't try to cram to much into one movie. I also have to agree with whoever said that this Trillian has a lot of Fenchurch in her.
I swear she's gotten worse with each Star Wars movie
I think she's gotten less invested in being good. She certainly hasn't been shy in interviews about being really glad that it's over and that now she can go back to being in movies where writing and acting are valued. Which I get, but it still kind of pisses me off to watch her, because it's obvious (at least in this one) that she's not even trying to make her dialogue work. Yes, her lines are some of the worst Lucas has ever written, but I feel like she's talented enough to have done better if she'd wanted to.
whatever else may be wrong, at least there are no Ewoks.
I think this should be applied to real life, personally.
But I really hate Ewoks.
I've been trying to remember Harrison Ford's comment to Lucas about the dialogue. Something like, "You just write this shit, George--we have to say it!"
I could have accepted the "Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" if they'd extended the scene just a touch, and showed him closing down immediately. Showing that moment as the "death" of Anakin. Either that, or they should have cut it before he even started.
One little throw-away bit I did love was the guy that looked like a young Grand Moff Tarkin standing with Vader and Palpatine watching the construction of the Death Star.
Well there was a credit for Governor Tarkin(played by Wayne Pygram, no less) so you're not wrong.
played by Wayne Pygram, no less
Dude! How did I miss that?
(bad fan, no biscuit)
Ooh, Gandalfe, that would have been a good idea.
It occurred to me, while Darth was being suited up, how utterly ridiculous that suit is. What the hell kind of helmet is that? Really?
That reminds me to share with you OtherKate's take on Darth Vader post-Sith:
How will I ever watch the originals without imagining that after he walks off-screen, Darth Vader goes off by himself and sits crying with his big robotic head in his hands? Seriously?
What the hell kind of helmet is that? Really?
It was designed to resemble the skull of a wolf. Which may not be the most fearsome thing in a galaxy without wolves, and probably does little to alleviate his asthma.
It was designed to resemble the skull of a wolf. Which may not be the most fearsome thing in a future without wolves
Star Wars
is in the past, though. Wolves haven't been invented yet.
ETA: Oh you and your sly editing.