Clint Eastwood above James Earl Jones? Above Kathleen Turner?
Cinema's most unique voice
Bad grammar! No biscuit!!
The thing is, Clint Eastwood's voice doesn't fill me with joy at the first syllable. Both JEJ and KT make me think "My God, how can a voice possibly sound that good?" I genuinely would listen to either read the phone book.
Bad grammar! No biscuit!!
But ... but ... it fails semantically and passes structurally, right? Isn't it bad English but grammatically correct?
Argh. Finally found my favorite Eastwood quote ever:
"I don't think it's nice, you laughing. You see my mule, he don't like nobody laughing. Gets the strange idea you're laughing at him. So, if you apologize like I know you're going to, then maybe he'll see that you didn't mean it." Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood's voice doesn't fill me with joy at the first syllable
They didn't use the word "joy", though. They mentioned memorable and distinct and quirky. Clint's voice is iconic, more to me than Kathleen's, although I'd much rather listen to hers.
I think that if I were nerdy enough to say, "Bad grasp of semantic constraints! No biscuit!!" then the joke would have passed by.
Mooooom, ita is following me around and asking me logic questions!