Did anybody else read "Splinter of the Mind's Eye?" It was ok'd by Lucasfilm, but definitely existed outside of the original trilogy's storyline. IIRC, it was published between Star Wars and Empire, and took the "Luke and Leia hook up" path. I thought it was pretty well done, and a lot better than some of the later Star Wars-verse books.
Yep, read it way back when. Finding out about Luke and Leia in RotJ was an eye-opener.
What's the advance buzz on
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
-- the meta-free buzz, if there's any?
The trailer I saw before KoH looked wicked cool.
What's the advance buzz on Mr. and Mrs. Smith -- the meta-free buzz, if there's any?
The one person I know who's seen it thought it was great.
Angelina with a gun. 'Nuff said. I about die every time I see the commercial and she yells, "You still alive, baby?" Rowr.
Maybe I'll go back to thinking she's icky, but I did retract every nasty thing I said about her for the duration of that trailer.
Husband and wife trying to each other and Seth Cohen -- what's not to love?
Me too. No wonder I'm not 0 Kinsey anymore. She's batshit, but...
Mr. and Mrs. Smith = the last half hour of War of the Roses + actual combat skillz.
Wonder if Pitt aquits himself well on that score? In real life I'd give him 30 seconds if Angelina's guns jammed and she had to close to arm's length.