ita, he must have died on the boat, because you didn't see him after the shipwreck. He was one of Godfrey's boys, the one who was standing just outside the curtain looking somewhat sad when Godfrey died.
I wouldn't have remembered that if I hadn't seen it twice.
Speaking as someone who is 25, (so maybe I don't fit into his demo) he's so full of shit. I have yet to meet ANYONE of ANY age who didn't think the Phantom Menace was horrifically boring and I've met only a few people who felt that the Attack of the Clones was tolerable.
I was 25 two weeks ago when I re-watched Phantom Menace, and there were so many things that I disliked about that movie that, if it was not a Star Wars movie, I would never. watch. it. again.
But that is the right guy, right? Suddenly the vaguely blond are mashing together. I seem to remember another blondish cute guy showing up after that point.
Speaking as someone who is 25, (so maybe I don't fit into his demo) he's so full of shit.
I feel I can speak with authority on this one, as I am 24 for another 4 months. Phantom Menace blew.
Um, help. I need a Nilly. I've searched back in this thread and I think it's in Natter and I'm very askairt of trying to find it in there. I need the link to the comic that the final panel says, "Now Joss Whedon is my master." Anybody? Bueller?
Thank you! It has been sprung on its target audience, and a rueful chuckle has been achieved.
We watched the Criterion Collection's cleaned up DVD of
The Third Man
last night. I had only ever seen the beginning of that film (and I'm embarrassed to admit, that was because I was playing a computer game that based its hook off of
The Third Man
and I was hoping to get a clue). What a great movie! I miss movies like that sometimes, I really do.
Great digital cleanup on a really chewed master, also.
And I was a huge Star Wars fan as a kid. It was my first fandom, and I went whole hog - I wallpapered my room in magazine images of Star Wars, etc. I'm sure my parents thought I'd be a serial killer just as soon as I could get my hands on a lightsaber. And I can still watch Episodes 4 and 5 and enjoy them, even the recent remakes. But even though I was pretty close to 25 when Phantom Menace came out, I was
However, the friend I saw it with is now 37, and loved both PM and When Clones Attack. So that skews George's statement too (and hey, he should know not to think in absolutes).
Of course, this friend also kept shushing me during
Broken Arrow
and rewinding so that he wouldn't miss any of the dialogue. And he thought
was pretty good.
Huh. I guess Lucas' legacy to me is that I am unwilling to throw myself whole-heartedly into a fandom now, for fear of getting hurt. Only Joss has given me the courage to try again...I think there's a Hallmark card for the Dark Side in here.
I was... hrmm. How old was I?
It came out in '99, because I was working my first onsite job at the Evil Empire, and I saw it opening day at 4am, then went straight to work where I worked, then napped under my desk before going back home to crash for an hour or two.
I was about one month away from 25 at the time, and realized that PM wouldn't stand up to a rewatch without the mind altering effects of extreme sleep dep.
Which means if I ever want to watch it again, now would really be the time...
Huh. I guess Lucas' legacy to me is that I am unwilling to throw myself whole-heartedly into a fandom now, for fear of getting hurt.
Between him and Chris Carter, I learned in the span of about a year that really, Trust No One was good advice.