Okay. I like romance novels because you are guaranteed a happy ending. Also, I used to read the ends of novels first, so that I would know whether or not I'd want to read the whole thing. But that was before I discovered the genre built around happy endings.
I do occasionally watch depressing movies, though. I'm not sure why.
I'm going to have to look up my copies of the Narnia books when I get home and see if Lucy was shown as blonde in them, or if I'm just hallucinating. Huh.
Azkaban was my favorite book by a large margin, so I'm not as concerned with the GoF adaptation as I might be. I think it'll be fine. I'm not expecting anything mind-blowing.
Saw Hitchhiker's again today, and it still, in spite of everything, makes me deleriously happy.
To answer ita's question about
DNA's name & "So Long,"
the answer is no,
his name appears only over instrumental bits,
the first time his name appears, it is over the "So Long" bit of instrumental music,
which was probably intentional.
Do we know who is doing the voice of Aslan?
I'm given to understand that the very talented Brian Cox has gotten the nod.
Brian Cox is out. The director didn't think he was right for the part. The new Aslan hasn't been chosen yet.
Well, if that's the case, I had them exactly opposite in my mind. How weird.
Katie, is it possible you're remembering the animated version? Because I also thought Susan was a brunette and Lucy a blonde, and I think it's because of the animated version from whenever-back-when.
How can they not be backing trucks full of money up to James Earl Jr.'s door for that role?!?
Saw Hitchhiker's again today, and it still, in spite of everything, makes me deleriously happy.
Is that the fifth time for you now?
I've only seen it the once yet, but it made me deleriously happy.
Is that the fifth time for you now?
Er...yes. But I'm pretty sure this is the last time. In theatres.
I want a "Journey of the Sorcerer" ringtone. I found one online that someone made, but to install it I'd need a data cable for my phone, and I can't see myself essentially spending $25 on a single ringtone. So I shall wait until someone more official makes one.
Is that the fifth time for you now?
I only ask because it makes me deliriously happy that it's still making you deliriously happy after five viewings.
I shall have to try and see it again at least once more in theaters.
So long, so long, and thanks for all the fish.....