Although I bet its numbers drop off pretty sharply, as most of the diehard fans have probably seen it by now.
I think you're probably right -- I have no idea how big the repeat audience is going to be. (I mean, I've seen it 4 times, but only accidentally, and 2 of those didn't count for box office.)
# 7 Gong Fu = Kung Fu Hustle, right?
Because I saw that this weekend and it is now one of my favorite movies ever ever ever. So entertaining. Did ya'll talk about it here at all?
Can someone who's about to see HHGttG confirm (or someone with a good memory that already has): during the opening credit sequence, whenever Douglas Adams' name is on the screen, the
lyrics are saying "So long"?
I cannot confirm that -- but that's really cool if true.
Hmph. I thought I'd check the version that's here, but it doesn't seem to have the titles.
That's a very firm position he's taking on the rumour.
Ooh! ita said "rumour"! I bet she says "foetus", too!
Orly interview in the globe and mail:
But when the on-screen prosthetics peeled off for his swashbuckling leading man role in Pirates of the Caribbean, suddenly, all bets were off. The girls swooned and hysteria took over. Nearly 200 fan websites sprang up overnight
Ahem! He had an assload of fansites shortly after Fellowship. As someone who might have been paying attention to this stuff, it's
how hard he took off with so little source material. The juggernaut already had inertia by the time PotC came out.