I must admit I'm interested in seeing how Eminem reacts to a sniping war in the press with someone who doesn't wear high heels.
When did Moby start cross-dressing?
When your mom is a professor and you went to school with Jesse, you probably did not have a tough childhood.
Huh. One of my close friends went to high school with BenandMatt. Which means she must have gone to school with Jesse. Groovy.
I think Eminem is that angry, but not that scary and is balancing a fair degree of self-awareness with a lack of internal censorship and some impulse control issues.
That was always my take on him too.
Weren't you saying a bit earlier something about the shadiness of some of your HS associations? And then your parents were involved until you undangled your modifiers ... memory fails me.
I was involved with some slightly shady people in high school, but I can promise you I was never ghetto fabulous. We didn't have that then.
Frank, who? It was a big school, but you never know....
I was involved with some slightly shady people in high school, but I can promise you I was never ghetto fabulous. We didn't have that then.
I dunno - Central Square used to be pretty close to one, but that was a while ago.
Frank, who? It was a big school, but you never know....
Jesse - is your profile addy OK? I'd feel a little weird posting her name in a public forum, though I doubt she'd mind.
I think you made if fabulous, Jesse, just by being you.
Did you have the cowgirl hat back then?
We had ghetto, but no fabulous. Alas, I did not have the cowgirl hat yet.
And yeah, profile address is fine. Privacy? What privacy?
Yes, but you had the POTENTIAL for cowgirl hat wearing, and that's the important thing.
Yeah, well, I have the potential for Fortuny dress wearing, but don't hold your breath.
I have the potential for Fortuny dress wearing, but don't hold your breath
Hey, if you have as much potential as Jesse had, you'll get into that dress.
It is possible, however, that you had less, and should set your fabulosity goals in a different direction.