I was going to say. When your mom is a professor and you went to school with Jesse, you probably did not have a tough childhood.
Eminem, I sometimes cannot tell if he is actually that scary/angry, or just the biggest poser in the world. Which I suppose is the whole point of his shtick.
HEY! I went to public school!
See, quotes like that sound as if he could be joking around and they quoted it straight. Thge press seems to do that a lot--report teasing as if it's serious.
HEY! I went to public school!
You could have gone to school in a meadow and done your homework on slates. Just going to school with you makes it not a hardship, honey.
I'm just saying -- kids I went to high school with did grow up in the projects, in and out of jail, etc., etc. Just not Matt-n-Ben. Don't make me blog about the ridiculous diversity of my high school!
Jesse and her ghetto fabulous life.
I think Eminem
that angry, but not that scary and is balancing a fair degree of self-awareness with a lack of internal censorship and some impulse control issues.
I must admit I'm interested in seeing how Eminem reacts to a sniping war in the press with someone who doesn't wear high heels.
When did Moby start cross-dressing?
When your mom is a professor and you went to school with Jesse, you probably did not have a tough childhood.
Huh. One of my close friends went to high school with BenandMatt. Which means she must have gone to school with Jesse. Groovy.
I think Eminem is that angry, but not that scary and is balancing a fair degree of self-awareness with a lack of internal censorship and some impulse control issues.
That was always my take on him too.
Weren't you saying a bit earlier something about the shadiness of some of your HS associations? And then your parents were involved until you undangled your modifiers ... memory fails me.