Oh my - sounds like you lacked only massage chairs from it being the perfect moviegoing experience, Robin.
I haven't gone out to see any movies this week (though when I mistakenly thought Kung Fu Hustle was about to open I'd planned to change that). I know I should go see In the Realms of the Unreal while it's here, and I've heard that Ryan Reynolds offsets some laughably bad acting in the Amityville Horror remake by losing articles of clothing along with his marbles, but I just can't work up any enthusiasm for either one.
I did manage to catch one of the myraid showings of Reefer Madness last night though, and it was hilarious. I loved
that there was one lone figure in the audience of the framing story pointing out all the exaggerations and unbelievable twists. And the Asian lady who looked worried and slumped down in her seat when they had a horrific baby-eating Chinaman in the film-within-a-film
Saw Fever Pitch yesterday with a diehard Sox fan. Only way to go. It was cute and I enjoyed it way more than I expected to.
The scene where Ben
brushed the dogs teeth
nearly did me in.
Tonight, a friend is taking me to the DC Filmfest for my birthday. Going to see "King's Game". I have an unwholesome afinity for Danish film.
Thanks, Hec. I'll try and catch it.
I'm still singing Reefer Madness songs. So catchy.
I'm still singing Reefer Madness songs. So catchy.
I'm watching that tonight. Very excited. Musical + funny + Kristen Bell = almost certainly a good time.
That "Mary Jane/Mary Lane" song has certain parts that reminded me very strongly of "Rest in Peace" from OMWF.
There were tons of OMWF vibes in the whole thing. It was great.
I skipped a shitload of posts a while back - have people talked about the trailer for SW:E3:RotS? 'Cuz that flick is lookin' to be much better than 1 & 2. Lots of darkness, good characters being killed by evil ones, more better S/F.
Also, that General Grievous dude (a cyborg) was totally cool in the
iClone Wars episodes, and he's a major part of RotS too.
Oh, and I was bummed that Sith-wannabe Asajj Ventress had to die in a CW episode. She could fight as good as Anakin, but in a full-length skirt. Supposedly she was supposed to be the character that eventually went to Darth Maul in Ep1. All the cool Sith have to die before the original trilogy (not a spoiler, just a guess), except for Sidious and Vader. Oh well, at least Sidious is cool, and he has a wicked "coming out" scene in the trailer.
edit for spelling
I just heard some on-set info from
Batman Begins.
Apparently, the Batmobile is
cool, and Christian Bale is
I think the dude in question got to drive the b-mobile. I need to verify.
Whoa, you might want to whitefont that, ita. It's pretty specific.
Oh, just try and make me.
More seriously though, it does sound like it may be as cool as I need it to be.