I was just going to say that the violence is so cartoonish, I barely noticed it. But if you are on the sensitive side, stick with Kate.
I liked it in many ways, but nothing about it made me say "Yay!" But aside from one storyline being too long and
Jamie King sucking like a Hoover,
I have no specific complaints.
I do have a few theories...
Are you referring to her performance, or how she got the job in the first place?
Bwah! That would explain a lot.
Bob also advised me against seeing it because of my aversion to gore, Steph. So I'm skipping it, Clive Owen be damned.
Props for the Hedberg tagline, bon.
I watched "You'll Never Get Rich." I didn't love it. I mean, I loved the dancing, and I loved Rita Hayworth, but I hated the fact that Fred Astaire's character was all over the place. Sometimes he was in control, smart, and logical, but more often he was a lying idiot, who was a tiny bit creepy. And I didn't care so much for that. It made it difficult to like him, and I love Fred Astaire.
Props for the Hedberg tagline, bon.
He had the best jokes of anyone working. Truly a tragic loss.
In the boys dressing room at the musical (where I'm usually helping out), they've been playing all of Mitch Hedberg's cd's on a loop for the past few days. It's really just very sad.
I saw Sin City last night.
I LOVED the way the movie looked. We saw a digital print, and it was just ... beautiful.
Too bad the script and performances didn't live up to the pretty shiny surfaces. There's a fine line between paying homage to cliches and just being cliched, and I think it ended on the wrong side of that line too often. Also, the first complete storyline went on way too long, to the point where I had to go to the lobby and walk around because Marv was starting to violently irritate me (I just. wanted. him to DIE already). I wanted to see more about the cannibal killer and the twisted priest and even the nudist lesbian parole officer, and much, much less -- like, five minutes with the character would have been enough -- of Marv.
But I really loved the middle segment, even if the logic of it wasn't there, and the frame story was almost as heartbreaking as it thinks it is. I agree Jessica Alba wasn't Oscar-worthy, but at least she sucked less than some of the other actresses.
Overall? A solid B-, C+, and it probably would be higher if I hadn't hated one of the segments so very much.
On a shallow note, I wonder if Alexis Bledel's WB contract has something about film nudity, 'cause she was definitely the most covered actress in the film.
Lyra, I disliked the same part as you, and noticed the same thing about AB.