Huh. They didn't like the musical ep. Oh, well.
You were hired, Joss, because your "Buffy" so brilliantly walked the tightrope between camp humor and credibility for seven memorable seasons. With the exception of that musical episode, you can simply glance back at those old formulas to achieve that "X-Men"-type combination of not veering too far toward the camp that sank "Batman & Robin" or the self-importance that dragged down "Hulk."
Nor is this goink apparently aware that Joss did script work on X-Men.
Hey Fanboy, next time you plan on taking someone to task over work they're about to do, try to be aware of their credits.
And one where the genders are not divided into "the Oprah crowd" and "the Maxim readers".
Well, I thought that part was about dividing the stereotypical portrayals of women, and not meant to account for us all. That bit I'm fine with, because I don't want to see either Diana.
Nor is this goink apparently aware that Joss did script work on X-Men.
Maybe the writer thought having Joss's work almost all tossed meant it didn't count. No, still confusing.
Nor is this goink apparently aware that Joss did script work on X-Men.
Nor, apparently, that Joss is currently writing one of the X-Men books.
I don't have a problem with the article. But the author, while having a real point of view about Wonder Woman, didn't know anything about Whedon. I mean, if you really did watch Buffy, wouldn't you incorporate that into your whole "teaching a writer about female superheroes" rant? Or maybe leave out the part about casting Rob Schneider and spending a bunch of time on costumes?
Yeah, that's what really baffles me about this letter -- the guy clearly has watched Buffy, so he should be aware of Joss' credentials as a writer and director of female superheroes. None of the potential dangers this guy brought up seem to be that threatening, if you're familiar with Joss' existant body of work.
The thing is, there are superheroines whose attitude would be "Sexism? Are you inSANE?" Wonder Woman is all about the culture shock, having grown up on Paradise Island and now confronting gender roles for the first time. Weird gender roles.
And one where the genders are not divided into "the Oprah crowd" and "the Maxim readers".
But I don't think that it means all men=Maxim, all women=Oprah. UIt means, "don't be all namby-pamby 'We Girls Can Do Anything' candy-colored feminist, but don't stick her in a string bikini for the whole movie." I don't think acknowledging the extremes means ignoring the middle.
You have 60-plus years of classic Wonder Woman plotlines to plunder as you see fit
Pffft. Wonder Woman had maybe three interesting plotlines before the Perez reboot in the 80s.
Pffft. Wonder Woman had maybe three interesting plotlines before the Perez reboot in the 80s.
The plot ante has been upped with Rucka taking over. If you count The Hiketeia, he's managed three interesting plotlines (and he's only had two plotlines in the regular run, so his batting average is pretty freaking good.)
Dude. I loved The Hiketeia.