The puppet episode was sublime. The episode where Spike was having the visions and the wizard was trying to send him to hell was really good, too.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I liked Illyria.
Me too.
I named a laptop after Illyria.
There were a lot of good individual episodes in S5.
S5 had the misfortune of following the exquisite perfection of Home with a string of pretty weak "Let's explain why Spike is on this show" reboot-ish eps. But it eventually got going and ended strong. Lots of nice mini-arcs.
I think the high point for me was 5x18.
I named a laptop after Illyria.
I named my first car (a blue used Honda Civic) Illyria because while it was somewhat diminished from what it had been, it was more potent than it looked.
I've dubbed my Sport Outback the Tardis because it feels bigger on the inside than it looks from the outside. Not blue though. Oh well.
Just started watching season one of Angel with a friend who's never seen it (we just finished our two-year Buffy journey two weeks ago). Three eps in and she hates it, and I can't say as I blame her. It doesn't really get good until Wes and Gunn join. I'm thinking of skipping ahead before she gives up for good.
Also, season five rocked, season four is dead to me, and season three is half ok, half watch-through-my fingers awful. Season two, of course, rocks the hardest.
Angel has the evolution of Bad Ass Wesley. All other arguments are invalid.
I actually preferred the Angel - Cordelia - Doyle dynamic to what came later, even if some of the individual episodes weren't that great. And "Rm w/a Vu" is still my Platonic Ideal Angel episode.