Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
OMG, Mr. Trick was nominated for a Tony - for a second time. Again, I say that his character was WASTED.
OMG, I love Todd Freeman SO MUCH. I think the first thing I ever saw him in was a recurring on Sisters, where he was playing a direct ripoff of the trans character from Midnight in the Garden. Script and series soap aside (also where Mr. Clooney had a juicy role he left for ER), Freeman was simply *luminous* in the part. And I've been devoted ever since. I'd have been SO happy if Mr. Trick had been the Big Bad, instead of Mr. "I just want to be a giant snake".
He popped up in Elementary this season, too.
"Marmaduke...that's my kinda dog."
Relatedly, I slept very long last night, and I had a Buffy dream, which I haven't had in a long time, and which I always enjoy. This time, I had to run a 5K in order to sneak past the city limits without raising the suspicions of the Big Bads, and my shoelaces kept breaking and I was carrying a backpack of magic books needed for the asskickery, and I was BITCHING MIGHTILY that I hadn't trained and that I was actually Not A Runner, so I was going to get there WAAAAY after Buffy, so would she carry the goddamn backpack of books, Miss Superstrong?!
Which goes to prove that while I will help you save the world, I will complain every damned step of the way about the little stuff, even though I am pretty stoic about actual pain.
True story: my cousin just sent me an email:
"Steph, I just started watching Buffy. I am on season 1, episode 7. Please tell me Angel doesn't disappear forever."
AWESOME! I kind of envy her, getting to watch it all new from the beginning.
(I replied "Angel definitely doesn't disappear forever -- I promise! He's around for a LONG time.")
Please tell her to refrain from reading ANYTHING online about the show. I love the idea of someone coming to this completely without knowledge of what happens. Also, tell her to ignore any comics if she's a comics person at all.
The care and feeding of a baby Buffista.
Do not watch more Buffy until you have felt any possible side effects. Do not operate heavy machinery under the influence of Buffy. Other side effects may include...
(I'll leave that for the rest of you to fill in)
once again I find myself searching for the 'like' button