This seemed the best thread to put this story in... We have finally, finally begun to tackle the hellmouth that is our living room and the closet thereof, and yesterday Hec unearthed my poor Smile Time Angel, who had been hiding sadly neglected in the closet waiting for enough space to be cleared away so he could be properly displayed.
There still isn't enough space, but Matilda is quite fond of him. She's been petting and cuddling him, taking his nose off and putting it back on sideways, asking if we can take off his stompy boots so she could put them on her American Girl doll, and rocking him back and forth and saying, "Poor baby is tired. Now my baby Angel is going to sleep. Shhhh, Angel needs his sleep." And the whole time he's glowering away, silently seething at the indignity. I feel a little bad for finding such amusement in his pain, but not enough to stop.