Yeah, both of those are among my favorites, as is "Reptile Boy." Meanwhile, someone liked "Doublemeat Palace" well enough to rank it in the middle of the pack rather than close to the bottom?!?
In general my impression is that the author seems not to like early episodes other than those dealing with the Buffy/Angel romance.
Does anyone want S2 and/or S3 of Buffy on DVD? I just arrived for my volunteer night at the library bookstore and there are copies on the shelf. I'll be here for 3 hours.
If no one else speaks up, I have a friend who came to Buffy late (and was watching with an ex, so doesn't have her own copies) and would be very interested in them. What's the pricing like?
They seem to be in good shape, but I could refund anyone if there is a problem with any of the discs. There's also a copy of The Watcher's guide for $1.
We'd be glad to take them off your hands!
Great! Did you want the book too or just the DVDs?
Send me an email to my profile address with your mailing address.
Send the book too. I'm interested in it even if my friend's not. Insent in a minute. Thanks!
xposting with Premium - GoT credits in the style of BtVS. Somebody on the internet loves us:
I haven't yet finished the series, though I've had the majority of plot developments spoiled by my idiotic compulsion to read through everything on TV Tropes. Right now, I'm on S07E08. I'm starting to panic about it being over, but there's still the comics to read and I haven't seen Joss' other shows either. Has anyone here avoided season 8 and 9 for fear of shark jumping? What's the general consensus on it?