I forgot how much I love the musical.
I've been listening to it in the car all week. It's fecking brilliant.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I forgot how much I love the musical.
I've been listening to it in the car all week. It's fecking brilliant.
Now I've got to dig out my OMWF CD. I listened to it exclusively for months and then just put it away and forgot about it. You've rejuvenated my OMWF love. Must go find.
I stopped listening to the CD, mostly because I didn't want to have to explain penis diseases from Chumash tribes. And I *really* didn't want anyone I live with then taking those explanations to the local pre- and elementary schools.
Soon, they and their peers will be corrupt enough on their own that I can listen to it, again.
Wireless headphones, Cindy, cover a world of sins.
I stopped listening to the CD, mostly because I didn't want to have to explain penis diseases from Chumash tribes.
Heh. Emmett sings along with "The Angry Inch."
Six inches forward and five inches back!
I didn't want to have to explain
Heh. My Dad listened to John Prine a lot when I was in 2nd grade. We had a long talk after he discovered I had learned the songs and would sing them to myself. He worried that some day he would be called to my school to explain to the principal why I was singing: "There's a hole in Daddy's arm where all the money goes...."
OMWF is went I went from fan, to FAN. It had so much potential to suck and my expectations were so low. I figured it would be some kind of standalone episode (like that horrible post-9/11 west wing) which would be mildly entertaining but ultimately junk. I was shocked when not only did the story make sense, and not only did the songs not suck, but it moved the character and story arcs too and in a big way. The Buffy-in-heaven reveal, the mindwipe reveal, klepto!Dawn, Giles choosing to leave, Spike/Buffy, etc.
Kind of why I have so much faith in the Serenity movie rocking even for non-FF fans.
I didn't want to have to explain
"Guv'ment" from Big River, being sung by 10-year-old me. The same me knowing all the words to Best L'il Whorehouse In Texas.
Thankfully, my mother has a hell of a sense of humor, as well as a high "Ooooh, shiny!" index.
"Sodomy" from Hair (the movie soundtrack), which my sister and I went to see with Dad when it came out--I was 13, she was 15. Dad was a little iffy when we fell in love with the music and insisted on getting the album, which we then proceeded to blast on the stereo at home.