If Faith had been her Slayer, Willow would have gotten her dyke on a few years earlier.
Someone needs to write that, actually.
Because, yeah, happy visual place.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
If Faith had been her Slayer, Willow would have gotten her dyke on a few years earlier.
Someone needs to write that, actually.
Because, yeah, happy visual place.
Because, yeah, happy visual place.
Phew. I am so there with you.
Hey, you must be between feedings. You're up and your brain is working.
Hey, you must be between feedings. You're up and your brain is working.
I'm up, feeling extreme guilt because the munchkin is VERY cranky, but I can't give her Mommy cuddles, on account of having Chemical Head (I have One and Only Color Fix on my head right now), and based on how unsoothable she is for Daddy at the moment, I think she wants Mommy cuddles. I doubt she's hungry, as she's been eating off and on since 7:30. I think she's just tired, a little gassy, and missing me.
I'm sure it's been written.
Strangely, though the visual place is glorious, Willow/Faith is one of my least favorite common femmeslash pairings, usually. And I read a lot of femmeslash. I'm not sure why that is: I guess just because I don't see Willow as really fitting with bad girls.
I'm sure it's been written.
If it has, I haven't seen it, which leads me to suspect that if it has been written, it hasn't been written *well*.
Strangely, though the visual place is glorious, Willow/Faith is one of my least favorite common femmeslash pairings, usually. And I read a lot of femmeslash. I'm not sure why that is: I guess just because I don't see Willow as really fitting with bad girls.
Honestly, I think they're similar in the wrong ways for them to work for me, at least within existing canon. Vamp!Willow/Faith, however (which would require an AU within an AU) could totally work. And a Willow who was influenced by Faith instead of Buffy I can see developing in ways that would allow for her to fall hot and heavy for Faith, because she'd totally sexualize the hero-worship thing if it were Faith.
But for the most part, Faith just fits too well with Buffy for me to pair her with Willow. (Faith also fits well with Lilah, Fred, and Mary Plei. Oh, and, err, with Fay, that one time when I was writing for Slashing the Slashers.)
Faith/Fred? Hmmm. I can sorta see it, I think. It's an interesting concept, certainly. But Fred/Willow is such a glorious concept to me that it completely overshadows it. Mmm. Geek femmeslash. Plus that whole canon flirty thing in that one crossover episode.
I read very little Buffyverse fic, actually, so I don't have much experience with any of these pairings. Maybe I should correct. Or maybe I should just stick with Rory/Paris and Ginny/Hermione/Luna (pick any two).
This conversation really sort of ended up in a weird place, huh?
Hee. If you feel like popping over to Fanfiction: Readers Writers Enablers, or whatever that thread's called, I suspect we could hook you up with the good J-verse girlslash crack.
I'll try digging my head out of my recent Grace/Kory obsession (Outsiders) long enough to find my most belovedest stories.
OK While my Id agrees with you all, my superego thinks teaching Willow "Want. Take. Have" could have consequences.
OK While my Id agrees with you all, my superego thinks teaching Willow "Want. Take. Have" could have consequences.
Willow is already a borderline Id person. Fine tuning it with Faith would indeed be of the bad.
I checked the Buffy Fic Archive and they list five Faith/Willow stories. It's a generalization, but I've found most of the stories in that archive tend to be fairly high quality. And I recommend the story "Six Faith and Willow Vignettes, In Order" by damaged justice. It's post-Chosen, post-Not Fade Away and I thought it read very much in character to both Faith and Willow.