Well, it was all in rot13, and there were constant reminders that we couldn't actually call her Dawn since she isn't named in that first episode.
It was actually pretty timely because we'd just spent
The Princess Bride
doing the same thing (pretending Morgenstern was real), except that time, he was totally doing it too. Then the tables were turned!
It was fun to watch some of the newbies be totally confused, like, wait, did I REALLY somehow miss this character all this time?? Now it's an amusing little game to continue.
...We make our own fun.
So, what is rot13? Is that all the gibberish writing?
Yep, it's a simple cipher, just rotating the alphabet by thirteen letters. Makes it much easier to have spoilery discussions!
Also, that's what all the stuff about nuns is about. Because when you laugh at Mark's unpreparedness (Ahahahahahaha), it comes out Nununununu in rot13. Nuns!
Well, ok then. Now, I need to go back and read some more!
Crap, I mean "I Was Made to Love You." I always confuse those two titles.
I mean "I Was Made to Love You."
Jeez, Mark is going to need Ativan. I really dig how much he loves Joyce, because she is awesome. But he's going to be wrecked, poor noodle.
On the plus side, I expect him to geek out hard over "Family" which is coming up soon.
Favorite line from Mark's "Dear Boy" review:
Angelus would find a way to trick and then slaughter everyone at Wolfram & Hart.
Off by two letters, Mark.
I just read that recap, and I snorffled at that line too.
Also, has anyone told him about poor Andy Hallet? He's so taken with Lorne.
As with Doyle, it was mentioned in his first appearance.