Favorite line from Mark's "Dear Boy" review:
Angelus would find a way to trick and then slaughter everyone at Wolfram & Hart.
Off by two letters, Mark.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Favorite line from Mark's "Dear Boy" review:
Angelus would find a way to trick and then slaughter everyone at Wolfram & Hart.
Off by two letters, Mark.
I just read that recap, and I snorffled at that line too.
Also, has anyone told him about poor Andy Hallet? He's so taken with Lorne.
As with Doyle, it was mentioned in his first appearance.
On the plus side, I expect him to geek out hard over "Family" which is coming up soon.
And he did.
I expect his review for "The Body" to be one sentence: "I just can't even."
And then maybe a couple days later he'll write a book about his father.
Well, he's got "Reunion" on Angel for 5/16, and "The Body" on 5/31.
He's not prepared.
Then he's got the Pylea trilogy of eps at the end of the season of Angel, and Buffy's "The Gift."
And Willow sitting there in the lobby.
I expect his review for "The Body" to be one sentence: "I just can't even."
I'm actually wondering if this will happen. Like he just will not be able to write about it. But I hope he can. I like it when he gets all analytical.
Like he just will not be able to write about it.
I don't think he'll be able to write about it immediately. Because it's not just the story (Joyce!) but how it intersects with his life. Or he could write a short, not-quite-processing-it review, which is also likely.
And I think he's going to get super excited for "Fool for Love."
I think he's going to have a bit of a Kitten-board reaction to "Seeing Red." ("Fuck you! Fuck this show! FUCKKK!!!! Fuck you Joss Whedon!")
I enjoy his reviews of the shows. I tend to skip his "And this is how this applies to my life!!!!" stuff. I'm sure he's a nice guy and his life has had its own slices of hell, and it's good he has a place to dump all this, but it's not something I follow.
I prefer to go read his "Dernhelm is Eowyn????" stuff.
Mark's posted "Fool for Love", and all the comments are coming up Spuffy.
Also? Kickpuncher is ON. A. ROLL.
The Halfrek pun was genius.