I was so praying for First!Buffy to wander around and sow confusion.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I still seethe at the waste of not having the First appear as Buffy to any of the Scoobies until it did so just to taunt her at the very end. It only used that extremely effective tactic on Spike.
Then again, I really wanted a reveal that that wasn't actually Angel in the last 2 episodes. Can you imagine the look on Buffy's face if she'd run to hug him and then passed right through?
I really wanted a reveal that that wasn't actually Angel in the last 2 episodes.
Stupid studio conflicts, it should have been Angelus tormenting Spike, not Dru. That would have been sweet.
I don't know, I think Drusilla is the more important figure of the two to Spike. Angelus definitely should have been in that morphing sequence in "Lessons." Though if we go by best villains of a season rather than most dominant in the arc, it should have been a Gentleman rather than Adam for Season 4 as well. Which would have put a crimp in the First's season premiere monologue.
Huh. If Perkins doesn't object to me stealing her discussion format, I'd really like to see what people think about this:
Who was most important to/for Willow: Tara, Oz, or Xander?
I'd have to say Oz because he was the one who made her aware that she could be more than just the smart wallflower who's Xander's best friend. He was first attracted to her in all her geekiness (Eskimo Girl!), and loved her throughout her blossoming into the young woman who could make Xander finally notice her and draw the attention and admiration of Tara.
If Perkins doesn't object to me stealing her discussion format, I'd really like to see what people think about this:
Okay, really, I'm not at all.
I was going to ask who was more important to/for Willow, Buffy or Xander.
I'm thinking Xander on the last. At least for the "to" part. Buffy could never have brought her out of her darkness, she needed the best-friend-since-five for that. As for "for," well, Buffy's existence as the Slayer is what exposed her to the occult and that led to the whole magic thing and her getting to help save the world on multiple occasions. Not to mention giving her the chance to meet Tara. So maybe Buffy wins that part.
I think Oz for the reasons cited (and they're my OTP). He's the one that fostered her growth and self-confidence. He's the one who early on raised doubts about how she was using magic. The relationship with Tara was much more mature and invaluable to her growth as a witch, but it was also much more unhealthy.
Buffy was most important for Willow, then Oz, then Tara, then Xander.
Tara was most important to Willow, then Oz, then Xander, then Buffy.