Any questions people want me to ask?
Dude, are you crazy?
Just because I want to have him correct you.
'Conviction (1)'
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Any questions people want me to ask?
Dude, are you crazy?
Just because I want to have him correct you.
As a non-commenter, I'm going to have to monitor my language enough as it is, without being deliberately antagonizing.
Well then skip my amended suggestion of, "Bitch, are you crazy?"
Good one, Hecubus. (you crazy SF motherfucker)
Good one, Hecubus. (you crazy SF motherfucker)
All who disagree with me suck cock by choice!
Man, now I kind of want Mark to watch Archer.
But I think he already watched Deadwood.
"Mr. Wu, am I ever fucking sorry that I taught you that." just quoting some Swergin. Dude, really? bet there were some vapors over that.
I went. There were about a dozen of us. The under-21s couldn't get into the planned meet-up, so we went to someone's brother's house nearby (I asked, and she said that he wasn't an axe murderer, so it was cool--dear lord, I hope any future children of mine never get hold of that sentence), and we ate chips and salsa and there was the Reading Of The Crap Fanfic, and much merriment.
Ha, sounds like fun. And hey, they're from the internet so you know it's cool.
I remember very clearly one of my early fandom meetups, I was in Chicago by myself, standing in a line to get up to a post (Pumpkins) show party in a rented warehouse. And I was all, what the hell do I think I'm doing? Later on I went and had breakfast with people I met in the elevator, and then when the hotel kicked everyone out of the lobby at 4, brought a random sampling of people up to my suite. So, yeah, not much with the responsibility and safe conduct and whatnot, but I had a great time.
Ah, youth. I went to a the MST3K Conventi-Con not knowing anyone in attendance (unless you count brief meetings with the actors themselves at GenCon), hung out with fellow conventioneers in a suite where weed was offered liberally, and ended up getting so smashed on rum at the costume ball that I have no memory from the time I discovered that the skywalks had been locked after midnight until I came to in the shower of my hotel room.
It's probably just as well that there aren't actually supernatural predators prowling the streets late at night. Or, possibly there are and they were afraid the alcohol fumes I was breathing out could be set alight and used against them...
Because of the problems with the venue, there was a certain degree of everyone standing around being, like "I think that person is here for this thing, but I'm not sure." (I was actually remarkably good at identifying which people around the Starbucks were, in fact, internet people. Mark later asked, "But what do you do? Just go up to people and ask if they're from the Internet?" Yes, yes, that is exactly what you do.