Now i'm thinking of antlers in bad places.
Yeah if Twilight's psuedovampires is all you know Buffy is going to be a real shock.
'Out Of Gas'
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Now i'm thinking of antlers in bad places.
Yeah if Twilight's psuedovampires is all you know Buffy is going to be a real shock.
That too, but I feel like a line like "Say 'uncle.' Oh, that's right, you killed my uncle" implies that there's a component of vengeance in there as well. Perhaps a small one. I mean, I don't think she's super beaten up about it because she's no longer the woman she was, but I think there's some of it in there.
You could be right, but I still think that is about torturing Angel with what she knows will hurt him. A bit of her psychic abilities coming through maybe? I could be totally wrong. Maybe she is mad that he didn't turn all her relatives so that she could torture them too?
Twilight, maybe?
Nobody that is currently over....13 can have Joss's vampires be the second one they encounter. Just living, must tell you a great deal of vampy expectations, no? It's part of the Western cultural canon?
The author of Twilight claims she knew nothing about vampire lore.
Mark seems to be uniquely uninformed about popular culture. Sort of like a real-life Temperance Brennan.
The author of Twilight claims she knew nothing about vampire lore.
In view of what she wrote: not too surprising - except that why the heck write about vampires without knowing anything about them? And how can you grow up w/o having even some small knowledge of, for example, dracula?
The author of Twilight claims she knew nothing about vampire lore
Lore, maybe not--but reputation? I mean, she picked them--she must have known they were super strong blood drinkers who preyed on people. Otherwise she made some good guesses.
The author of a set of mystery novels featuring an elderly Sherlock Holmes claimed she didn't really know Sherlock. But I think she MUST have in order to write the way she did. Whatever.
I cannot wait until Mark gets to the Dru and Darla eps of "Angel."
Those are going to fuck.him.up.
From what I read she is (was) fairly conservative Mormon that doesn't watch R rated movies or read horror novels. So I guess the only things she knew about vampires what super strong blood drinkers that weren't alive and couldn't go out in the sun.
And she hadn't read Dracula - in the interview I read she said she doesn't read vampire books because if they are too close to hers then that upsets her and if it's really different it upsets her. But she has seen parts of Inverview with a Vampire and Lost Boys, but not much because it grossed her out.
Which is really weird considering how she wrote the birth scene of Bella's baby.
Also there are no really bad people in her novels because she doesn't see a world full of negatives.
Isn't there a pack of vampires that they go up against that tries to kidnap vamped Bella or something? And they all have their own super special talents (as is their wont)?