For me it doesn't count as emotionally intense when you're possessed/driven by ghosts.
But that's just me and my sex life. I don't mean to speak for everyone.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
For me it doesn't count as emotionally intense when you're possessed/driven by ghosts.
But that's just me and my sex life. I don't mean to speak for everyone.
If I remember the episode correctly (doubtful), weren't the ghosts brought into a more powerful existence because of their lust first? They made them focus on it more, but it had to be there before they noticed. I mean, the ghosts weren't coming out for any of the other sex-having couples in that frat house, and there had to be several. Graham, at least, seemed like a playa. Even if you argue it was the Slayer, specifically, being lustful that caused them to latch on, it still seems she must have been feeling it pretty good.
t /still love Riley and screw you all
There has to be some point to this conversation.
OK, maybe not.
Hot sex does not have to be emotionally intense.
Hot sex does not have to be emotionally intense.
Too true.
Love's hard to quantify, but I think that she didn't love Riley as much as she wanted to, and that she loved Spike more than she wanted to.
Hmm. Guess we were using different meanings of "intense." I was just thinking "hot."
Sorry if I came off belligerent last night. Sobriety was not part of the equation.
I was just thinking "hot."
Hot? Their anti-chemistry literally put the fire out in the room.
Heh, I always felt there was more chemistry between Riley and Buffy than there was between Angel and Buffy, at least. But yeah, anti-hot all the way. Heck, Riley and the Vamp!Ho was hotter than Riley and Buffy.
(Shrug) I like what I remember of their sex scenes just fine. They weren't really inspiring me to run to my bunk, but nobody does chemistry like James Marsters, as we all know.
Definitely agree that they had more chemistry than B/A. Maybe the problem is SMG.
ETA: Also, despite all of my wishes that Riley could have worked out for Buffy, I think Spike was most definitely more important both to her and for her. She just wasn't made to interact with normal humans, which Riley, despite all those drugs and training, would always be.
I'm not sure I really know what love is (did Romeo love Juliet? What about Jack and Rose? Leia and Han?) or if it even has a steady definition, in or out of the Buffyverse, so I have a hard time deciding if she loved either of them.