Cordy/Connor didn't bother me, I think it part, because I knew it was designed to bring misery, and it wasn't portrayed in any shippy kind of light, or as if it were in any way right. I suspect I like to see the Hairloaf in pain, because I think him catching sight of it was all I needed to be all aboard the painful S.S. Bonbon.
That said, I hated a lot of stuff here and there, for a while, and Wes/Lilah kept me tuning in, when nothing else did.
How is it for anybody else?
It's not done selfishly, because it's hard. It's done because of someone else, because of their impact on your life.
It's not the easy way out, nor the gentle.
This was on the Whedonesque lj but not on Whedonesque itself. (Could it have been deleted as being w/o merit? I don't know.)
There's a rumor at the Latino Review page that Alexis, along with some other canidates, is rumored to be the Joker in the Batman Begins sequal.
Now, why would it be on the Latino Review page, that is what I'm wondering!
Okay, here is a page that mentions him among others as possibles for the Joker.
Latino Review does a fair amount of general breaking of movie news.
Okay, I had no idea what they were -- but when I went to the site I could tell what their mission is.
Oh man. Want Alexis to be the Joker. WANT.
Who do you think Buffy came closer to loving, Spike or Riley?
(and who was more important to her?)
I think Spike was definitely more important to her, but it's hard to say on the love issue.
I think Buffy was in love with the "idea" of Riley as a "normal" boyfriend. Actually, I think it was more that she found Riley attractive because he was so much in love with her and having someone human love her was important to her. It made her feel like she was living what Angel wanted for her (whether she actually wanted or needed it.)
Spike, I don't know that she was ever in love with him, but I do think she loved him. He was very important to her, particularly in season 7 in that he, unlike Riley or Angel, never abandoned her (we're not counting turning into a big pile of dust to save the world as abandonment, it was to save the world!) Plus, she even sort of admitted it in one episode with the "why does everyone think I'm still in love with Spike?" (And don't tell me it was a mispeak on SMG's part, I don't care, it's canon now.)