The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto
Sounds like it should be on SyFy, and possibly called MANBAT!
No, sorry, I'm thinking of Vancouver.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto
Sounds like it should be on SyFy, and possibly called MANBAT!
No, sorry, I'm thinking of Vancouver.
Right? All the vamps slounging around some ultra Waspy living room on the Upper East Side, snipping and sniping at each other, with their floppy hair and gin soaked grins. Buffy with pearls and a smooth pageboy hairstyle, and a cigarette getting a little tipsy as she pokes her finger into Spike's chest.
Instead of Angel's spaz dance, it would be the cha-cha.
Sounds like it should be on SyFy, and possibly called MANBAT!
Sadly: [link]
The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto
I watched this when it was called Forever Knight. Loved that show. I'd totally watch Joss' version.
No, sorry, I'm thinking of Vancouver.
Bulgaria. Series are filmed in Vancouver, and movies in Bulgaria. It's their thang.
But with no hyphen, an exclamation point, and Bulgaria, I think I've got a shot.
you know, I think Erin really likes this idea.
I had a 'sode.
I continue to live happily in the universe in which this travesty doesn't exist.
Does anyone else find this idea really, really funny? In a weird way, I'm almost looking forward to it because it's going to be a Fiasco on a rather huge scale. I wonder who will play "Buffy"?
And, also, as in most things, I blame the Twilight books.
Wow. I really don't know what to make of this. I am bummed.
I will go see it, but I plan to be drunk. There may be yelling at the screen.