Maybe it's like Springtime for Hitler and they need the tax write-off.
As always, I love erika.
I am never ready for a crappy remake of a great original which has an entire SERIES full of awesome.
How long was it between The Addams Family show and movies? (I know, not the same ballpark, but the movies were pretty awesome.)
According to IMDB, the series ended in '66, first movie in '91, so 25 years.
Oh, fuck no! No, no, no, the Kuzui's have NOTHING to do with Buffy except some goddamn paperwork. This will be horrible. I can't watch.
Roven added: “There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character’s return…While this is not your high-school Buffy, she’ll be just as witty, tough and sexy as we all remember her to be.”
Um, hi? That "active fan base" would crawl over glass, maybe, for a Whedon return, but there is no "active fan base" (at least not one with which I wish to be connected) that is looking forward to this.
Unless pigs start flying outta my ass, and this girl with no experience writing is a frickin' genius and they can pull off a Buffy who's not SMG (because of the massive association of the role with her), this will be a travesty.
Batman reboots work because fucking worked because Batman wears a goddamned SUIT, and people are invested in Batman, not ___________ as Bruce Wayne. Buffy is always Buffy. And to have a different Scooby gang? A Watcher?? There's no way this is gonna end well.
...ok, I just had to get that out. Whew.
you know, I think Erin really likes this idea.
"Whit Stillman AND Wes Anderson? This is gonna be the most sardonically adorable movie EVER."
Ha! If Whit Stillman and Wes Anderson wrote Buffy then Angel wouldn't be from Ireland. He'd be from Choate.
If Whit Stillman and Wes Anderson wrote Buffy then Angel wouldn't be from Ireland. He'd be from Choate.
Holy crap do I want to see this on the big screen.
look for The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto
I would watch that movie.
Holy crap do I want to see this on the big screen.
Right? All the vamps slounging around some ultra Waspy living room on the Upper East Side, snipping and sniping at each other, with their floppy hair and gin soaked grins. Buffy with pearls and a smooth pageboy hairstyle, and a cigarette getting a little tipsy as she pokes her finger into Spike's chest.
Joss' response was pitch perfect.
That guy is a living breathing nerdgasm.
The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto
Sounds like it should be on SyFy, and possibly called MANBAT!
No, sorry, I'm thinking of Vancouver.
Right? All the vamps slounging around some ultra Waspy living room on the Upper East Side, snipping and sniping at each other, with their floppy hair and gin soaked grins. Buffy with pearls and a smooth pageboy hairstyle, and a cigarette getting a little tipsy as she pokes her finger into Spike's chest.
Instead of Angel's spaz dance, it would be the cha-cha.
Sounds like it should be on SyFy, and possibly called MANBAT!
Sadly: [link]