"Fredless" was pretty effective at killing any positive feelings I had for the character, though I liked her in her first few episodes.
"Prophecy Girl" is both my favorite finale and my favorite hour of television, ever.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
"Fredless" was pretty effective at killing any positive feelings I had for the character, though I liked her in her first few episodes.
"Prophecy Girl" is both my favorite finale and my favorite hour of television, ever.
I liked Chosen just because it ends with Buffy happy and relieved. I wanted that for her. But otherwise it was weak. Not Fade Away actively pisses me off. I wish I weren't one of those canon-ignoring people, but Home is the finale I wanted Angel to have. Love S4, lovelovelove.
I liked Pylea; it had great Wes, Angel, and Cordy stuff, and gave us Fred. No bad there for me, as I love Fred in every little way.
Becoming for me. I've rarely been that powerfully affected by a TV episode. I agree with Hec - Buffy S2 and S3 are my favourites, in that order - S2 wins on the arc, S3 on individual ep quality.
I didn't like Pylea at the time (I agree with ita - too much whiplash from the rest of S2), though it's grown on me.
I liked Fred, was royally pissed off when they killed her off, and just ignore Fredless. The only good to come of either of those was setting up Wesley suffer all over again in The Girl in Question.
"Handsome man! Saved me from the monsters!"
Sorry. Still it burns.
And I know it's unfair to blame the show for the previouslies. But I had to endure them and SOMEONE MUST PAY.
S6 - Pretty great arc, actually.
How so? For me, it's the problem where the parts that are original aren't good, and the parts that are good aren't original. And... overall: meh. Whedon could have said something interesting about how the villains were exactly the same sort of people who would have been the heroes in the early seasons... but he didn't. The whole season is an interesting might-have-been for me. There's a lot of stuff in play that could be really juicy, and at every stage they took the easy way out. So it all feels very sour and cheap.
It's interesting people keep mentioning Fredless. Because to me, yeah, it's bad, but it's not notably bad in retrospect. All of the sidekick-delving episodes of Angel are kind of horrid, honestly, but I think Supersymmetry is much more egregious, and we won't even get into Gunn's truck. Or TFWITW.
I blamed Tim to his face for that previously. Hives.
I don't remember enough about Fredless to hate it. I need to finish my rewatch.
I don't think Fredless is so bad. By itself. The Burkles are cute, and there are good moments, and I still think the insect-monsters-demon-puppets are fucking cool. It's mostly the manipulation of the story-as-told (where we're supposed to think the Burkles are EEeevil, even though they obviously aren't) that's immensely irritating.
I think Angel S3 works a lot better in a marathon than it did when it aired in chunks interspersed with reruns. It's still terribly flawed, but in retrospect I love the DOOMDOOMDOOMED of it all.
For me it's notable because it marked Fred becoming an official member of the team (for no good reason that I could see, when she was given a chance to recuperate with her parents away from the hotel that some deadly enemy attacked every week as an alternative) and the point at which Season 3, which I absolutely loved the first four episodes of, began its freefall of story quality.
Earlier today, I was out running errands, listening to the car radio (remember those?).
"We Are the Champions" STILL makes me giggle every single time I hear it, because all I can picture are drunk!singing!Cordy, Wes, and Gunn.
Since I'm home on Thursday I thought I'd channel surf while waiting for the Macy's parade to start. I'd forgotten that TNT was the David Boreanaz channel—starting the day with Angel and ending with Bones.
Sadly, the episode on right now is She. At least we get to see Angel get all art/poet critic for a few minutes.
I have been enjoying Bones lately- it makes me laugh, often.