(Your conscience wants Angel. Who's more badass than Angelus? Who's more tortured than our broody baby? No one, that's who.)
Drusilla. No gypsy curse, no chip, no pining for a soul, no being brought back as a human in a box. Dru is, and always will be, the top Buffyverse vampire.
I'm with Jilli. Crazy as she was, Dru was the only one of the big four who was never defanged. She wins at being a vampire.
It was a close thing for me, as I love Drusilla so. But then I remembered the evil version of Angel from Buffy Season 2 and had to admit I've never enjoyed another TV vampire more.
I suppose Henry Fitzroy and Nick Knight are disqualified on the grounds that they're *Canadian* vampires? Feh. Lacroix alone could take on alla those guys.
Once again, Beverly speaks for me.
Okay, I voted for Angel but seeing Eric from
True Blood
on there made me waver for a minute. HOTT!
I always thought Darla was a bit of a twit.
You must be thinking of the other blonde.
Dru is cute as a button. But she also benefits enormously from having the least screentime. I mean, Spike was great too, back when he only turned up occasionally.
Okay, I voted for Angel but seeing Eric from True Blood on there made me waver for a minute. HOTT!
I voted for Angel from my home computer and Eric from the work one.
Also: Darla hit Angel over the head with a shovel. I rest my case.
Forget that she ran off with the only horse and left him to die. That she mindfucked the biggest mindfucker ever.
Dude. She ran him through with a sword. After skewering a human. She had Angel-kababs.
She totally wins.