Also: Darla hit Angel over the head with a shovel. I rest my case.
Forget that she ran off with the only horse and left him to die. That she mindfucked the biggest mindfucker ever.
Dude. She ran him through with a sword. After skewering a human. She had Angel-kababs.
She totally wins.
To me Darla staking herself to give birth kind of trumps all, but I see the case for Dru. And love her.
You must be thinking of the other blonde.
How'd SMG do that [link] so fast? I mean, she wasn't just pregnant, she was PREGNANT.
Spanx, I suppose. Plus, it's a front shot. More forgiving of the tum.
And she's wearing a loose top. she looks good, though.
artfully placed scarf and loose, blousy top.
Wow... has Angel Season 1-5 Box Set for $52.99 today (Gold Box Deal of the Day.
This was brought to my attention through my online birth communities, but as a Buffy fan, I had to share: Alyson and Alexis talk about their homebirth.
SMG/P's baby pictures and article: [link]
Should someone warn them that babies don't really learn to cry until about the 6-week mark? Those adorable little whimpers don't last forever!