Haven't seen the movie, but just finished reading the Twilight books, and I've got to say, if they fought, Book!Edward would beat Show!Angelus. I mean, we can see Angelus move. I realize that this is probably because Angel is played by a person who, while gorgeous, lacks those mad vampire skillz, but still. Of course, Edward is even more goody-two-shoes than Angel, so he would probably never fight anyway.
From what I hear, I would agree with you all when the movie came into the picture.
Maybe acetone?
A mixture of acetone, turpentine, and benzine -- otherwise known as The Dip.
Oh noes! The secret is out:
the sparkly vampires are actually Toons!
Angel was fast enough (or psychic enough) to spin and catch a crossbow bolt fired at his back from about 20 feet away, and while evil frequently did that appear-next-to-someone-when-they're-not-looking trick. He also did a running high jump of at least 3 stories to catch a helicopter, and has punched his way through a brick wall. I think those kind of feats should be used for any comparison rather than David Boreanaz's physical fight choreography limitations. (Though I only know enough about the Twillight books to mock the overwrought angst, so maybe Edward juggles cars in them or makes sonic booms while running?)
so maybe Edward juggles cars in them or makes sonic booms while running?
pretty close
. I did not at all expect to like the Twilight books, but a friend bought them for me. Even then, they sat in the box for a couple of months, but then I got home from a trip and needed brain candy, and just over a week later I had read nearly 2500 pages of overly angsty, but otherwise pretty good writing.
but how did you like the final book? I don't know anything about the books really, but I know a whole lot about the final book due to cleolinda. That final book sounds like an absolute scream.
I was a bit worried about the final book, because I was
worried about how Bella's becoming a vampire was going to be,
but I liked it quite a lot. Of course, I had complaints here and there, most notably that Meyer never uses one word where 100 will do, and thus some bits really did go on too long,
but overall, I liked what she did with it.
Hmm. They had the first book in the clearance racks at the check out line at TJ Maxx the other day and I thought about picking it up. I have to return something so maybe I'll suck it up and try it out.
I thought the last one was pretty gross.