Back at the very beginning they sort of implied that he was still in contact with some of his old aquaintances and regarded in a sort of kook/wet blanket light.
That certainly fits with what they showed in "Darla", though he was trying to hide it.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Back at the very beginning they sort of implied that he was still in contact with some of his old aquaintances and regarded in a sort of kook/wet blanket light.
That certainly fits with what they showed in "Darla", though he was trying to hide it.
He just gets shiny in the sun.
I almost feel sorry for Edward. I don't, but I considered it for a second.
Angel would totally kick his ass. Angelus wouldn't even believe he was a (sparkly) vampire. He's more of a stake first, ask questions later guy.
I thought he was more of a knock unconscious first, ask questions later during extensive torture guy.
Angel was the stake first guy, Angelus would totally have a good time with him.
I'm not sure even Angelus could stand to be around a sparkly vampire even for torturing purposes. Pretty sure he'd stake him just on GP.
(laughing) you know, I think you might be right. Can you imagine Angelus and Spike in the old days coming across him?
I suspect they would have a lot of fun finding out just what kills a sparkly vampire of Edward Cullen's variety. Something must. Maybe acetone? To remove the sparkles and the invulnerability to sunshine?
Surely, there is a story out there somewhere, right?
It might be fun to situate the story in Pylea too...