And wearing next to no makeup
That's what I noticed... then I grumped 'cause there's no way in hell I look that good WITH makeup
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
And wearing next to no makeup
That's what I noticed... then I grumped 'cause there's no way in hell I look that good WITH makeup
That's pretty much what I was thinking. I didn't even notice the dumb cuffed pants, because I was thinking how flawless GT looks, out in the middle of the day, even in a candid of her wearing her grumpy face.
I cuff my pants sometimes. It's fun. I thought Gina's cuffed pants looked great. Though I do agree it's not a look for everybody.
You need long legs and a relatively statuesque frame to pull it off. Otherwise it just makes you look short.
("You" meaning "one," obviously, and not anyone in particular.)
You also have to watch where it hits on your calves, since it can make them look gigantic, if it's at the wrong spot. But generally, heels help with the long-leggedness.
You need long legs and a relatively statuesque frame to pull it off. Otherwise it just makes you look short.
That's probably why guys wear the Sailor Moon costumes instead.
Yeah watching at CBC. Not at Dalek ep yet; that is next week for us North Americans who don't download.
Who do you think was more important to Angel, Darla or Buffy?
Darla, she made him into Angelus. As Angel, everything he did was to try and undo what Darla had done, even if he did say it was Buffy who inspired him.
Tough call. Angel started trying to do good in the world because he was smitten with Buffy and wanted to be worthy of her. So she had a major impact on his life even before she met him or fell in love with him. But just look at what he did to be worthy of Darla - he tried really hard to be evil for her after he got ensouled; he just didn't have the heart for it anymore. He was no more capable of being evil for her than he had been of being good for his father. Everything Angelus did, I'm convinced, was at least in part to be worthy of her, to be evil enough to please her. In a sense, both women created him; Darla created Angelus out of Liam (who wasn't going to create anything of himself but a pretty corpse) and Buffy (her influence) created the hero Angel out of the rat-eating gutter-living creature that was finally left when the ensouled vampire had no more purpose - no one else's needs or opinions to shape him. Angel has never been self-directed; he's always molded himself into whatever the person most important in his life wanted him to be.
I say Buffy was most important to him, because she instilled the conscience (it's pretty clear from AYNOHYEB that the conscience wasn't a gift-with-purchase with the soul) that lead to the choices that lead to his ultimate fate (if indeed he died and was redeemed, which I kinda think was the point of the ending of the show).
I can't believe I'm still putting this much thought into a tv show that's over. Even if I did love it.