The catwalk always seems to be used in club situations. The Hyperion had those nifty mezzanines, which would be perfect for someone broody to stand on and observe from, but they didn't use them that way.
Clubs work better for it because of the sheer mass of humanity from which you are feeling in some way apart. Brooding from above when there are only a handful of people in the building has a different feel.
Maybe they were too far away?
Maybe. But an over the shoulder shot with Angel in the shadows and the MoG down below being convivial would have been cool.
Brooding from above when there are only a handful of people in the building has a different feel.
True. Isolation rather than superiority.
but they didn't use them that way
Didn't they, at least once in "Are You Now..."?
True. Isolation rather than superiority.
I don't see it that way so much, as a case of specific vs. general. The image of someone looking down at a small group of his or her friends registers in my head as isolation/separation from a specific group, where someone looking down at a press of people registers as isolation/separation from humanity in general. Either could also register as superiority, depending on how it's played.
A glance at the AYNOHYEB script doesn't show that, Fred, but it does add the Griffith Observatory and Angel and Judy's conversation to the list.
Weren't Amy and Willow up on the catwalk for a while in S6... Wrecked, Smashed, one of the drug ones? (note: my brain is wrecked AND smashed, so... title go bye bye.)
Weren't Amy and Willow up on the catwalk for a while in S6... Wrecked, Smashed, one of the drug ones? (note: my brain is wrecked AND smashed, so... title go bye bye.)
(Note: have read parts of 4 or 5 eps today. Now filled to brim with love.)
Damn, I'm missing Buffy something fierce. I'd watch some, but one of my daughter's friends (who we so kindly allowed to stay after getting kicked out of his parent's house) seems to have appropriated six of the seasons (my daughter had season 5 tucked away somewhere else), plus season one of Angel. WTF? At least, steal the whole damn series while you're at it, you'll get better prices on e-bay for the complete collection!
Also, I watched Not Fade Away this morning. Fred/Illyria and Wesley made me cry, damnit.
I miss my girl. I wish I had something to add to Plei's topic on that, because just reading her posts on it made it all feel more real, again. I haven't watched for a while though, and the visual isn't usually what sticks with me.
I've just watched some A:ts season 5 episodes,
The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, Lineage,
over the last two days. I'd never seen all of either TCToNC or of
(although I do remember the Lindsorific ending of Destiny, but I think I was having tape malfunctions back then, and was out on Wednesday nights). Now that I look at at season 5 episode list, I think I missed a good chunk of
Sheeesh, Sail. I'd be livid. Has your daughter ever called him and asked for them back?