Weren't Amy and Willow up on the catwalk for a while in S6... Wrecked, Smashed, one of the drug ones? (note: my brain is wrecked AND smashed, so... title go bye bye.)
(Note: have read parts of 4 or 5 eps today. Now filled to brim with love.)
Damn, I'm missing Buffy something fierce. I'd watch some, but one of my daughter's friends (who we so kindly allowed to stay after getting kicked out of his parent's house) seems to have appropriated six of the seasons (my daughter had season 5 tucked away somewhere else), plus season one of Angel. WTF? At least, steal the whole damn series while you're at it, you'll get better prices on e-bay for the complete collection!
Also, I watched Not Fade Away this morning. Fred/Illyria and Wesley made me cry, damnit.
I miss my girl. I wish I had something to add to Plei's topic on that, because just reading her posts on it made it all feel more real, again. I haven't watched for a while though, and the visual isn't usually what sticks with me.
I've just watched some A:ts season 5 episodes,
The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, Lineage,
over the last two days. I'd never seen all of either TCToNC or of
(although I do remember the Lindsorific ending of Destiny, but I think I was having tape malfunctions back then, and was out on Wednesday nights). Now that I look at at season 5 episode list, I think I missed a good chunk of
Sheeesh, Sail. I'd be livid. Has your daughter ever called him and asked for them back?
Has your daughter ever called him and asked for them back?
The guy's a drug addict. He got kicked out of his folk's house for stealing from his brother. I should have known better, but Alexia felt sorry for the guy. She kicked him out when she found out he was still doing drugs. Plus, even if she called him about it, he'd lie. Drug addicts are great liars.
The guy's a drug addict. He got kicked out of his folk's house for stealing from his brother. I should have known better, but Alexia felt sorry for the guy. She kicked him out when she found out he was still doing drugs. Plus, even if she called him about it, he'd lie. Drug addicts are great liars.
They are. It's what they do best. Well, second best, anyhow.
My worlds, they have collided!
I was actually going to say, "Hermana, the devil has built a robot," but then I thought someone might think that I thought the line from A:ts began with "Hermana," and tell me it began with "Hermanos," which I well know, and so I just said "Hee!"
(But I was totally thinking, "Hermana, the devil has built a robot.")
(But I was totally thinking, "Hermana, the devil has built a robot.")
You and me both actually. I'm happily turning on racing and bam! the devil built a Paul Tracy-bot.
Hmmm. Just throwing this out 'cuz I'm sensing it in the air...
Anybody up for a regular Tuesday night rewatch and post of Buffy episodes?
Chronological starting from Welcome to the Hell Mouth.
Maybe before Veronica Mars airs at a time that both East and West Coast (and maybe in between) could watch?
Maybe 7pm PST / 10pm EST?
Any interest?
Oooh. That's a neat idea, David. I'd be down for that.