Oh, thanks, Sumi! I suspected that the BtVS writers hadn't pulled the name Kakistos from thin air, but I googled on Kakistos rather than Kakistocratic, which was slipshod of me.
Ah, he did misspell Jesse Jackson. I didn't catch that first time through.
From Pinwiz's blog: Buffy questions on Mastermind.
eta: I quite sucked.
I didn't get Buffy's house number correct and conflated Parker Abrams with the name of the actor's character on Dawson's Creek.
I haven't lived in my parents' basement for years, however.
I forgot Kristine Sutherland's name and what Ethan Rayne wrote on the wall. Other than that, I did pretty good.
I knew the answers to many of them, but nowhere near as quickly as she did, and speed is paramount in Mastermind.
I'm startled that show is still on. I think TV persona in England die very rarely.
don't know if anyone has posted this, but
DB "revealed" [link]
Gotta love the combo of exhibitionist actor and too-small concealing props.
Random question: Did the quote "Who died and made you Elvis?" orginate with BtVS?
Cause, I thought it did, but one of my cow-orkers has it on a bumper sticker pinned to her office wall.