Any old Bronzers remember the joking speculation about SMG being replaced by a six-foot bald woman in the Buffy role after Season 1?
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Everyone time I watch Judgment, I wish it were my first time, because there are only a few times I've ever nearly bust a gut laughing at the TV, and the first time I saw DB singing Mandy, is near the top of that short list.
For me, it's the teaser segment for "She" where I couldn't quite believe what I'd seen because it's over so quickly you get just enough time to take in the glory that is DB's spaz dancing without really processing it completely.
Sadly, I went and watched the rest of the episode, which ruins it. Even when I've been introducing people to Angel by watching all the eps with them, I'll show that segment and then skip to the next episode (or skip to the end credits for more spaz dancing).
CJ and I stayed home sick yesterday. We watched the majority of season 1 Buffy. I fell in love with this show all over again.
And suddenly puzzle pieces click together in my head and I realize what the glowy-spined seductive new Cylon models on BSG were inspired by...
The other best thing in that episode is Angel impersonating a museum tour guide.
And suddenly puzzle pieces click together in my head and I realize what the glowy-spined seductive new Cylon models on BSG were inspired by...
Which they dropped about as quickly as ANGEL dropped that particular dimension from any future storylines. Oh well, they could have taken inspiriation from Pylea and we'd have to hear about cow parts instead.
I was channel-surfing last night and happened across an episode of Sex and the City that Sarah Michelle Gellar appeared in. I turned to the channel right as they did a close-up of her and my heart actually skipped a beat. I miss my Buffy.
I was channel-surfing last night and happened across an episode of Sex and the City that Sarah Michelle Gellar appeared in. I turned to the channel right as they did a close-up of her and my heart actually skipped a beat. I miss my Buffy.
I was mesmerized watching You Tube over the weekend, because you can search on SMG or Aly Hannigan and find tiny clips of their non-BtVS work. Like Aly on Roseanne or Sarah on Saturday Night Live.
It's addictive. Plus lots of fan vids, and cool rare music performances.
The 'Juggernaut, Bitch' clip is my favourite find from You Tube. I'd never thought of using to find fannish stuff though.
I'd never thought of using to find fannish stuff though.
My favorite was 21 Vidlets about Buffy the Vampire Slayer set to They Might Be Giants "Fingertips" - which is itself 21 separate song fragments. You can imagine the visuals for "Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye?" (Xander and Caleb), and "Come on, and wreck my car!" (Willow's Actual Car Crash, Giles beater mashed up, the RV tipping over...).