I was channel-surfing last night and happened across an episode of Sex and the City that Sarah Michelle Gellar appeared in. I turned to the channel right as they did a close-up of her and my heart actually skipped a beat. I miss my Buffy.
'Out Of Gas'
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I was channel-surfing last night and happened across an episode of Sex and the City that Sarah Michelle Gellar appeared in. I turned to the channel right as they did a close-up of her and my heart actually skipped a beat. I miss my Buffy.
I was mesmerized watching You Tube over the weekend, because you can search on SMG or Aly Hannigan and find tiny clips of their non-BtVS work. Like Aly on Roseanne or Sarah on Saturday Night Live.
It's addictive. Plus lots of fan vids, and cool rare music performances.
The 'Juggernaut, Bitch' clip is my favourite find from You Tube. I'd never thought of using to find fannish stuff though.
I'd never thought of using to find fannish stuff though.
My favorite was 21 Vidlets about Buffy the Vampire Slayer set to They Might Be Giants "Fingertips" - which is itself 21 separate song fragments. You can imagine the visuals for "Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye?" (Xander and Caleb), and "Come on, and wreck my car!" (Willow's Actual Car Crash, Giles beater mashed up, the RV tipping over...).
I was wondering wha has been happening with Andy Hallett. I see he's doing voiceover for a recent production, but nothing else. haven't found any recent news on him on any of his fansites either. Is he okay? Still singing?
Dunno about Andy, Scrappy.
Here's more You Tube fun. More Buffy and Angel Bloopers set to neo-swing (I think Big Bad Voodoo Daddy).
There is Angel Puppet Dancing. Among other things. Really fun.
Aw, I was expecting new fun stuff. That video was linked here a little while back, Hec. Get my hopes up, why don't you?
I just saw the actress who played Halfrek on a preview for a new show on NBC called Teachers.
I liked the video from Veronica Mars the best because of its sheer efficiency at delivering the Alyson storyline only. It's like you hired somebody to fastforward your Tivo for you. Someday episodes of TV shows on DVDs will let you watch "The A plot" or "The B plot" and skip all that annoying "There's no Urkel on screen here, yet they keep filming!" footage.
I looked at Wikipedia for Spike, and it says that Joss declared William's last name to be Pratt (for pun of "prat" and because it's Boris Karloff's birth name). There was no citation for Joss saying that, and I'm wondering if anyone else has the information.