Jayne: That's a good idea. Good idea. Tell us where the stuff's at so I can shoot you. Mal: Point of interest? Offering to shoot us might not work so well as an incentive as you might imagine.

'Out Of Gas'

Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!

Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.

Fred Pete - Feb 16, 2006 5:31:17 am PST #2804 of 10464
Ann, that's a ferret.

Not exactly cloying, Cindy. More bubbly or upbeat.

§ ita § - Feb 16, 2006 8:13:01 am PST #2805 of 10464
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Buffy, abridged.

Frankenbuddha - Feb 16, 2006 8:24:32 am PST #2806 of 10464
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Anybody else seen the Verizon ad where the goofily enthusiastic guy is holding two phones while he dances and sings along with "Urgent" by Foreigner? The guy looks a lot like DB (or Josh Brolin or Craig Scheffer), and he sings and spaz dances about as well as Boreanez. I do a triple take every time I see it, but eventually realize that he probably doesn't need to do commercials these days. Plus, he's not dressed like he's going to a pimp convention.

Polter-Cow - Feb 16, 2006 8:50:49 am PST #2807 of 10464
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Buffy, abridged.

Heh, that was nice. Not stupendous, but still very fun. I think Cindy will like it.

Topic!Cindy - Feb 16, 2006 9:23:50 am PST #2808 of 10464
What is even happening?

I love it. I think the musical choice was inspired. Of course, I'm partial. I can play the William Tell Overture, with my fingers, on my cheeks, if I make my mouth just the exact right O shape.

JZ - Feb 16, 2006 10:49:06 am PST #2809 of 10464
See? I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me what a bad person I am and nobody did, because I fuckin' rule.

OMG that was wonderful. I so, so much love that the S7 moments included Andrew with his oven mitts and Little League Girl.

Also, P-C, I was thinking of you just this morning as Hec and I were watching TDS. Jon Stewart made a Faulkner reference and my brain went: (1) EEEEEE! I hope P-C saw this! (2) I've actually met him! (3) He might be moving here! (4) EEEEEE squared!

Polter-Cow - Feb 16, 2006 11:10:46 am PST #2810 of 10464
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Aww. I did not see Jon Stewart's Faulkner reference.

I should actually read more than two Faulkner books if I am to have this "Faulkner likes carrots" association.

DavidS - Feb 16, 2006 1:16:20 pm PST #2811 of 10464
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I did not see Jon Stewart's Faulkner reference.

The phrase was something like "Faulkneresque idiot man-child."

Not as good as The Word on Colbert riffing off William Carlos Williams: "So much depends on a red wheelbarrow in the rain."

But still pretty sassy for this English Major.

Polter-Cow - Feb 17, 2006 12:23:38 pm PST #2812 of 10464
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Not sure where these came from, but a whole slew of Buffy and Angel bloopers, set to music.

Amy - Feb 17, 2006 12:32:44 pm PST #2813 of 10464
Because books.

Too cute. Alexis Denisof goofing off for the camera was pricelessly adorable.