Aww. I did not see Jon Stewart's Faulkner reference.
I should actually read more than two Faulkner books if I am to have this "Faulkner likes carrots" association.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Aww. I did not see Jon Stewart's Faulkner reference.
I should actually read more than two Faulkner books if I am to have this "Faulkner likes carrots" association.
I did not see Jon Stewart's Faulkner reference.
The phrase was something like "Faulkneresque idiot man-child."
Not as good as The Word on Colbert riffing off William Carlos Williams: "So much depends on a red wheelbarrow in the rain."
But still pretty sassy for this English Major.
Not sure where these came from, but a whole slew of Buffy and Angel bloopers, set to music.
Too cute. Alexis Denisof goofing off for the camera was pricelessly adorable.
I like that David Boreanaz will apparently start dancing if a camera is pointed at him.
I like that David Boreanaz will apparently start dancing if a camera is pointed at him.
Presumably--and sadly--he waits till the cameras are elsewhere to start stripping.
Well, not according to the commentary on "Life of the Party."
not according to the commentary on "Life of the Party."
goes for the DVDs
So I just got a series of e-mails from about rereleases of the Buffy season sets coming out at the end of March, but when I went to the descriptions...they sounded exactly the same as the old sets. Anyone know what's up with these?
They are the same content as the already released DVDs, but packaged in slimmer DVD cases similar to the Veronica Mars set.