"I felt your heart beat" is possibly my favorite line ever in the Buffyverse. So quiet, so small, but so HUGE. He's declared his love, they've had The Sex, and the thing she focuses on is so tiny.
In Dopplegang land, when Angel starts talking about the personality and vampires, and Buffy gives him the "shut up" glance/glare.
When Cordelia gives everyone their breakfast drinks -- "coffee. english breakfast. o pos."
when The Pack crests the hill, to the dark, broody music.
In the Prom, when Giles says "who knew that children, as a whole, could be gracious", and then he looks up and sees Angel, takes the award and there's a tiny smile on his face.
"Look at my pretty mask, it raises the dead pause, then snarls Americans!"
A good small moment from Buffy:
Xander facing down Angelus at the hospital in KILLED BY DEATH.
A favorite small moment from Buffy:
When Giles tells Willow there is no spell at the end of Faith, Hope, and Trick. Just the look on his face.
God, I miss Giles.
Buffy kissing Faith's forehead.
I think that's my favorite small OTP4EVAH character moment.
The look on Angel's face as he walks into the Hyperion from his "restful" sojourn at the monastery. He's mourned Buffy, but now he's got this family that's just as important to him. Life goes on.
Cordelia, in TSiLA, after she recovers from Vocah's touch. She's finally accepted the visions, with a little bit of resignation and a lot of empathy.
Doyle trying to convince Angel to take up the cause in the series premiere. He's so uncomfortable and his reasons are unconventional, but there was something there. That was when I knew I was going to love this show.
"Because that's what lonely people do", in Lonely Hearts. I thought it was a lovely moment from DB.
aw I just remembered
"There's no place like...Willow?"
Wesley's face as Fred leaves at the end of "Billy" was another moment for me.
Oh, and Angel's stone-cold aim in ... the one where he shoots the psychic brain-wrapped dude in the back of the W&H car. Not only his aim, but the icy determination on his face.
Is it in "City Of..." when Angel does the dramatic leap into his car, and it's the wrong car?
Small moment with big meaning, from Angel:
"Is that it? Am I done?"