Most of my favourites have been mentioned already, but - I love Oz telling Willow that when he kisses her, he wants her to be kissing him.
Also, the end of Killed by Death, when they're sitting around asking Joyce to get them stuff, and she's bogarting the cheesy chips. Makes me smile every time.
The moment when Spike realizes Ressurected!Buffy is not the Buffybot.
In the BuffyBot episode:
"You thought I was a ROBOT?"
Actually, the real scene, which is now making me laugh and laugh:
Xander: Buffy, we need to talk.
Buffy: (alarmed) What's wrong? Is Dawn okay?
Willow: Dawn's fine.
Xander: Buffy, we care about you, and we're worried about you. The way you're acting, the things you're doing-
Anya: It's wrong.
Willow: Wait. This shouldn't be about blame.
Buffy: Blame? There's blame now?
Willow: No, there's only love. And ... some fear.
Anya: Which is kind of thrown by the you having sex with Spike.
Buffy: The ... who whating how with huh?
Anya: Okay, that's denial. That usually comes before anger.
Buffy: (angrily) I am not having sex with Spike!
Anya: Anger.
Xander: No one is judging you. It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.
Buffy: (firmly) I am not having sex with Spike! But I'm starting to think that you might be.
Xander: (scoffs) Buffy, I saw you. Anya too. (Anya nods) We saw you and Spike ... (gestures vaguely) with the straddling.
The Buffy Bot enters, looking offended.
Buffybot: Spike's mine. Who's straddling Spike?
She strides up next to Buffy, who stares at her in amazement.
Buffy: Oh my god.
Xander: (amazed) And so say all of us.
Buffybot: Say, look at you. You look just like me! We're very pretty.
Willow: Two of them!
Xander: Hey, I know this! They're both Buffy!
Buffy: (annoyed at him) No, *she*'s a robot. She acts just like that girlfriend-bot that Warren guy made. You guys couldn't tell me apart from a robot?
Buffybot: Oh, I don't think I'm a robot.
Anya: She's very well done.
Huh. I sound like a Spuffist. Still, he used to have quiet moments.
He did, and that was what made me love the character so - the quiet shining through the bluff and swagger.
I've always liked the very chipper "We're very pretty," 'cause, well, they are.
"Intervention" -- Spike telling Glory that Bob Barker is the Key. (ETA: And when the real Buffy kisses Spike at the end of the ep.)
I also like, in that same episode, the Bot saying to Anya 'How is your money?" and Anya being so pleased that someone has asked after it. Of course, I could go on and on about Intervention, because I think it is my favorite normal episode (not the musical or Restless or Hush). I just love it to death.
Its weird because I do self-identify in some ways as a Spuffyist, but I have the same objections to later Spike and the same love for the quiet moments Spike that some of you have expressed. I think I might just be better at repressing the parts I did not like.
I think I might just be better at repressing the parts I did not like.
This makes Spike
wonderful. It's how I hold onto the magic.
"I felt your heart beat" is possibly my favorite line ever in the Buffyverse. So quiet, so small, but so HUGE. He's declared his love, they've had The Sex, and the thing she focuses on is so tiny.
In Dopplegang land, when Angel starts talking about the personality and vampires, and Buffy gives him the "shut up" glance/glare.
When Cordelia gives everyone their breakfast drinks -- "coffee. english breakfast. o pos."
when The Pack crests the hill, to the dark, broody music.
In the Prom, when Giles says "who knew that children, as a whole, could be gracious", and then he looks up and sees Angel, takes the award and there's a tiny smile on his face.
"Look at my pretty mask, it raises the dead pause, then snarls Americans!"