In Angel, I think it was Darla standing up at the bar and being pregnant, yet still a vampire.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I think it was Darla standing up at the bar and being pregnant, yet still a vampire.Good one. That definitely had a high HSQ for me.
Darla staking herself.
I almost put this, but then I thought I might have been spoiled for it. Then I couldn't remember. Of course, spoilers don't eliminate the HSQ, they just give it in a different form.
Buffy killing Angel.
This for me too. I had the same reaction as Jars.
For Angel, I think it was Justine in the closet.
Angel turning evil-- not that unexpected (not that I expected it, but it was in line with the asshole who takes your virginity trope). But Buffy killing him despite him having a soul-- that fucking slayed me (pun unintended) like nothing else before or since. And kudos to DB for selling the distinction between Angelus and Angel in those moments.
Angel would probably be Dru re-vamping Darla.
It's a toss-up for me between Buffy killing Angel (totally unspoiled) and Spike and Buffy kissing.
I haven't watched enough of Angel to say for sure, but locking the lawyers is my top one from that show at the moment.
The Angel/Angelus switch, definitely. On Angel, I think Dru revamping Darla. Or Angel and Lindsey finally making out. Except that last one might have been in my head.
Or Angel and Lindsey finally making out. Except that last one might have been in my head.
Not really HSQ, but I did give a little shocked gasp when Darla said to Lindsey "It's not me you want to screw, it's him".
When it became clear Faith was going for suicide by vamp.
On Angel, it had to be I KEEL YOU WITH THIS PILLOW!!! That edges out the very close runners-up (Angel closing the doors of the people cellar; Wes opening the closet door to reveal Justine in the cage) only because it was Angel getting his vengeance on against someone very close to him. I mean, DAMN.
The other two had a bit more of a distance, because Angel had no love for the lawyers in the people cellar, and Wes had no love for Justine. (Though those were still big ol' HSQ moments.)
On Buffy, it's a tie between Buffy killing Angel and Buffy's swan dive in The Gift.
What was your favorite HSQ moment from Buffy?
So many -- angel/angelus, Giles (not ripper) smothering Ben, "I'd Like to test that theory", Buffy jumping in The Gift.
Angel -- throwing the cigarette on Darla and Drusilla, Doyle saving the day